After finishing the the evaluations of the SSO solutions, formorer asked me to
look into integrating one of the solutions into the existing Debian SSO
infrastructure. Sso.debian.org is a Django application that basically provides
a way of creating and managing client certificates. It does not do
authentication itself, but uses the REMOTE_USER authentication
source of
Django. I tested integration with lemonldap-ng, and after some troubles setting
up the sso.debian.org clone on my infrastructure (thanks to Enrico for pointing
me in the right direction) the authentication using the apaches authnz
worked. To integrate lemonldap-ng
i only had to add a ProxyPass
and a
directive in the apache config. I tested the setup using
gitlab and it worked.
I’ve also added some additional features to nacho
: on the one hand, i’ve
added a management command that removes stale temporary accounts that have
never been activated. The idea is to run that command in regular intervals via
cron (or systemd timers). To implement that feature, i basically followed the
howto for writing custom django-admin
from the django manual. Based on that knowledge i then implemented two other
commands that provide backup and restore functionality. The backup
prints the contents of the LDAP database on stdout in
LDIF format. The restore
expects LDIF on stdin and writes those values to the ldap database. I also did
some cleanup in the codebase and documented the test cases.
The third big project i looked into was to implement oauth2 authentication for one of the existing websites that use sso.debian.org. I chose nm.debian.org for that, because it is based on Django. I used a lot of time to look for existing modules for Django that implement oauth2 authentication and tesed some of them. There is for example django-allauth that provides authentication against a lot of authentication providers. I did manage to create an addiational authentication provider for Keycloak, but it seemed a bit overengineered to use such a big application for only one provider. So i sat down and wrote a small Django app that does oauth2 authentication. As soon as that worked with a clean Django installation, it took just some small adjustments to use it for the newmaintainer interface. You can find the branch on salsa
debian gsoc18