Fifth GSoC Report

No shiny screenshots this time ;-)

In the last two weeks i’ve finished evaluating the SSO solutions. I’ve added the evaluation of ‘ipsilon’, a python based single sign on solution. I’ve also updated the existing evaluations with a bit more information about their possibility to work with multiple backends. And i’ve added gitlab configuration snippets for some of the solutions. Formorer asked me to create a tabular overview of the outcome of the evaluations, so i did that in the README of the corresponding salsa repository. I’ve also pushed the code for the test client application i used to test the SSO solutions.

This week i used to look into the existing Debian SSO solution that works with certificates. The idea is not to change it, but to integrate it with the chosen OAuth2/SAML solution. To test this, i’ve pulled the code and set up my own instance of it. Fortunatly it is a Django application, so i now have some experience with that. Its not working yet, but i’m getting there.

I’ve also reevaluated a design desicion i made with nacho and came to the same conclusion: that storing the temporary accounts in ldap too is the way to go. There are also still some small feature requests i want to implement.

debian gsoc18